We’ve designed this very short, 7-question self-assessment survey to help you rapidly determine the current state of readiness of your business
and your team.
How future-proof
is your company?
Future-proofing means having a plan, constantly taking the pulse of the external environment, and proactively adjusting your plan and actions to fit your changing business environment.
It means aligning your management team around the vision and what’s important to
get there – not just on the urgent day-to-day stuff. And it means educating your team on how to remain flexible and agile in making
the future happen for you.
Set aside just a few minutes to think
through these 7 questions and answer
them thoughtfully. Score your capabilities between 1 and 5, as shown by the scale for each question. When completed, your total score will appear on page 7 with the interpretation of your results.